Brittany Powers has ridden the roller coaster of weight loss.  Up and down over the years, Brittany began to take “clean eating” seriously when she knew she wanted to start a family with her husband.  Still she says, “I didn’t get serious until AFTER I had my children.”

Her children Logan and Lacey, are now Brittany’s biggest champions.  Their toddler hearts full of love for their mommy.  And as mom’s we all know, we’ll do anything for our children so these two beauties are Brittany’s motivation.

She works hard, “not just physically, but to show my children that perseverance and never giving up on yourself will take you far in life.  You will be a much happier person emotionally and mentally. Not saying life won’t be hard, because let’s face it, it is. But anything is possible with hard work and dedication.”

Clear your mind of can't quote Brittany Powers for Trybe Activewear

Hard work, dedication and a supportive tribe of like-minded women who all want the same thing – better health and happiness.  Now who doesn’t want that?  Having a group of women around you, supporting you is what makes the journey a little bit easier to handle.

Brittany now finds her happiness as a Beachbody Coach, surrounded by women who have lived, and are living the journey.  Imagine going from couch potato to fitness coach.  She’s the boss of her own life and the boss of her body.  There was a time when Brittany indulged in her favorites, nacho cheese doritos, cheese nips, crackers, fries, and ice cream and gained 9 lbs in one week.  Yes, one week!

She woke up one day and threw all her excuses away. Brittany Powers for Trybe Activewear

Thankfully Brittany woke up one day to a realization that only she could change her life.  After going through the self-hate syndrome many endure, Brittany lost almost 100 lbs., and to those who are struggling like she was, Brittany offers this advice.  “What I want you all to realize is that if you want to change your life, you HAVE TO GET REAL WITH YOURSELF. Trust the process, stick with it, if something isn’t giving you results then KEEP TWEAKING things until you do!  No one held my hand and walked me thru an almost 100 pound weight loss. But if I can do it, so can you!”

Only You Can Do It. Quote Brittany Powers for Trybe Activewear

Weight loss isn’t about a numbers game, because as Brittany says, “let’s face it, the scale is an evil biotch.”  It’s about your health and mental well-being.  It’s that positive attitude that has carried Brittany through some of the roughest times in her life. Right now, Brittany’s life is undergoing a lot of change.  She has moved towns, and has no family around her.  Her support system is gone, but this #noexcusesmom can handle anything.  Not just because she’s fit, but because she’s powerful.

Powerful Thoughts Brittany Powers for Trybe Activewear

That power and positive energy shines through in everything she does, in every word she speaks, and in every Instagram post (FITMOM_FITBRITT).  This girl really lives up to her name.  And from what Mrs. Powers says, you can do it too.

Brittany may have been on the weight loss roller coaster for many years, but she came out of the tunnel, in the front row, with hands high in the air, victorious!



Are you struggling with your weight loss journey?  Share it with us, and reach out to Brittany for a boost of real inspiration and power!


Photo Credits:  Brittany Powers