One of the best parts of writing for a digital magazine is the connections you make with people all over the world. The ability to hear their stories, give them a voice, and share someone’s ideology or journey with a greater audience is an indulgence I eagerly devour.
The love of Yoga, a passion to be active while grounding ourselves mind and body, is practiced by people from every country on our planet. The benefits are lengthy and the practice itself asks for so little and gives so much in return, sometimes rewarding us in ways we can’t even imagine. Yoga helped Mariana Masetto find her voice, now she wants to help you find yours.
Mariana is a writer, musician, composer and teacher from Argentina. Even at her young age, she has already successfully released 4 albums which have received accolades and nominations that reinforce her passion and drive.
When she’s not teaching music workshops she’s studying yoga and reflexology.
Her most recent endeavor involved combining her love of music with the practice of yoga in her book called, “Our Voice Has Body.” A teacher of music and a lover of the benefits of yoga she decided to combine her two passions. Originally written in Spanish, and now available in English, we have read the book cover to cover and are excited to share it with you.
Coming from a musical background myself, I can tell you how easy it is to lose your voice, getting caught up in fear and expectation. Mariana addresses the repercussions of tension and illustrates the importance of breathing, focusing and letting go. This can be applied to any challenge we are facing in our daily lives and careers. Yoga encourages balance, of our emotions and our physique, whether we are looking to reduce strain on our vocal chords or other areas of our body, this theory can be applied with great success.
And, you don’t have to be a musician to take something away from this book.
[clickToTweet tweet=”One way of expressing that sound and a universal language, is singing. #yoga #bookreview” quote=”One way of expressing that sound and a universal language, is singing.”]
“Our Voice Has Body” is broken down into 5 parts. The first, consisting of 7 chapters, focuses on warming up – filled with illustrations and breakdowns of basic poses. These poses include the mountain and triangle pose.
One of the key components of Part One is the idea that by adding movement to our performances we are provided with a distraction from our emotions, allowing us to step away from our thoughts. Opening our minds to greater possibilities and personal growth.
We also learn that when faced with stress one of the body’s initial reactions will occur in our diaphragm. The importance of practicing our breathing and increasing our flexibility will also encourage improved adaptably to any circumstance. Vocalists and performers will learn to relax the diaphragm during performances which can also be applied to our daily lives.
Who hasn’t felt the pressure of a big presentation or the fear of failure at one point or another, in their personal or professional lives? Mariana teaches us how to keep our cool under pressure thanks to basic yoga poses combined with vocal exercises.
Part Two explores higher intensity poses such as the popular Warrior pose. By increasing strength and upping the ante we strive towards challenging our bodies while adding a vocal component. Mariana introduces the use of props to assist with holding poses longer, increasing flexibility and agility.
Throughout the book, we also receive an anatomy lesson, with a theory that every part of our body is connected to our emotional well-being. She goes on to explain that even our imagination plays an important role in reaching parts of the body otherwise inaccessible.
Part Three explores restorative poses including the Bound Angle and The Garland Pose or squatting position.
Part Four includes 3 chapters focusing on “Unusual poses for singing” including the pose of absolute relaxation (yes please) and partial inversion with legs against the wall, allowing for self-emergence.
Readers will enjoy the self-assessments at the end of every chapter, with space to write your reflections for easy reference later.
The final 2 chapters summarize the importance of our respiratory rhythm and the power of listening to our voice.
Mariana leaves us with a lot to digest, an ideology that many of us may not have considered. If you love yoga, like we do, you will appreciate her sincere adulation of this ancient practice and her unique perspective on how we too can find our voice.
You can find out more about Mariana and follow her journey at The book can be purchased at
Want to read the book for yourself? Mariana is giving away 5 copies absolutely free, exclusively to TryBelle Magazine readers!
The Giveaway is now Closed. The Winners are:
Amanda Jaggard
Brenda Witherspoon
Lindsay Burton
Meghan Berdelle
Suzanne Swift
To Enter All You Have To Do Is:
- Comment below – How would you benefit from finding your voice? (Please state your country in the comment.)
- Share this post link on social media. (Yes, we do check before we qualify our winners.) Do NOT include your sharing link in comment.
- Like TryBelle Magazine’s Facebook Page
- Receive a bonus entry for following us on Instagram @TryBelleMag and commenting on our “Our Voice has Body” Giveaway post.
- Giveaway contest is International.
- Giveaway contest begins at time of publication: April13, 2017 and ends April 27, 2017 11:59pm EST.
- Winner(s) will be randomly chosen and notified by email by May 5, 2017.
- Winner(s) must reply to notification email by May 12, 2017 11:59pm EST.
- Failure to accept prize within the designated timeline will result in forfeiture and a new winner(s) may be chosen.
- Decision on winner(s) is final and prize is non-negotiable, non-substitutable, and non-transferable.
- This is a sponsored post and your gift comes directly from Mariana Masetto.
- Our Legal Terms
Go ahead and enter now so you can start to find your voice through yoga with “Our Voice Has Body”
[clickToTweet tweet=”Enter for a chance to win 1 of 5 copies of Our Voice Has Body by @marianamasetto #yoga and #singing” quote=”Enter for a chance to win 1 of 5 copies of Our Voice Has Body by Mariana Masetto!”]
I’m from England (UK) and would love to win this book as would love to find my voice more than i do now!
I am from the USA (Maryland) . By finding my voice I think I would have less panic attacks.
England. Help me be more mindful of my body and work around bad days caused by my thyroid.
From Somerset England, and I need to make more me time!
I’m from Scotland
I would love to find my voice so I could get further ahead in life.
It would help me to be more assertive.
I’m from NY – USA.
I shared on Twitter @GabyMargutti
I would certainly feel better and more comfortable
My voice is my biggest tool. Want to get more knowledge from this book. Maxwell -Malawi
And I’m from Canada.
It would help me to be more assertive.
I think this would help me to find my own “voice” and how to use respectfully – Canada
brendawitherspoon at hotmail dot com
It would help me learn more about myself, discovering my inner being.
I am from Canada
When you express the truth it heals you and others as well..It gives them the courage to be and heal
This is awesome! I love to skate so I try to find my voice on the ice. I am iceyninja on Twitter. Thank you!!
finding my voice would help me to say “NO” when I need to and ask for what I need. Canada
I am at a crossroads in my life – finding my voice would help me to find my path 😉
Finding my voice would help me to do the things in life that I would like to do.
As I grow in yoga I am growing to love myself more. I would love to embrace the masculine voice I was given for this feminine body I embrace. Using it with confidence and pride would bring me closer to completion. Life is learning and accepting. Perhaps Mariana can assist me with my pursuits. United States.
Canada – Marlene V
I often allowed others to walk all over me so finding my voice would be so helpful to change this!